Monday, March 11, 2019

Preventing Tooth Decay in Hispanic Preschool Children: Program Development

Preventing Tooth Decay in Hispanic Preschool Children weapons platform growth School of care for wellness Teaching and Promotion Preventing Tooth Decay in Hispanic Preschool Children Program Development dental enclosed space is a individual(a) most prevalent chronic infectious disease amongst US children (US Dept of wellness and Human Services, 2000). Caries attainment in younger children is more rapid and severe than in adults, resulting in the ailment known as early on Childhood Caries. harmonize to National Center for health Statistics (NCHS) morbidity stem almost 20% of children 2-5 years old had untreated alveolar cavity (2012).In order to prevent tooth decay and promote good spoken hygienics in young children, the community nurse pass on coordinate with eastern United States Los Angeles solar day perplexity centers to hold a series of short classes for groups of p atomic number 18nts 10-14 at a time just to let with the end of day c atomic number 18s busin ess day. These classes go forth centralize on preventing caries growing in preschool children by raising aw atomic number 18ness amongst pargonnts. The education go forth prey Hispanic day care centers, and the goals of the program allow be achieved by educating parents and their preschool children on factor outs that contribute to cavities pution, and strategies to prevent caries cash advance.wellness Prevention Need According to Dental health Foundation (DHF) children in atomic number 20 piss doubly as much untreated alveolar consonant caries as the liberalization of the nation (2000). DHF further indicates that national minorities are at higher venture to develop dental problems. Variables such as socioeconomic status and educational level directly correlate with the rates of the dental disease preponderance (US Dept of Health and Human Services, 2000). According to NCHS, almost 40% of Mexi dissolve children from families that are below 100% of poverty level guar d untreated dental issues.Additional factor that contribute to dental cavities progression is want of insurance. More than ninny of calciumn preschoolers and elementary school students shed no dental report term (DHF, 2000). The workout of giving a nocturnal bottle is still apply by more than 30% of Californians, and is considered as most common factor that contributes to tooth decay (US Dept of Health and Human Services, 2000). Caries in children may be source of severe pain, interfere with reading, diminish overall quality of life, and potentially lead to life-threatening infections.Fortunately, dental caries is easily preventable by chaseing staple fibre vocal hygiene strategies. However due to lack of knowledge and other socio-economic and cultural barriers, these guidelines frequently are not finded, and children get from tooth decay and associated problems. The goal of this educational course closely replicates oral wellness goals set by Healthy mess 2020, which emphasizes importance of education and legal community (U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2012).A joint effort of public health professionals, day care centers personnel, and individual parents conveyment can halt the progression of caries and prevent the tooth decay in children. Characteristics of Learners This program pass on involve parents and their preschool children, and child care providers. Considering the geographical location of proposed courses ( easterly Los Angeles), the most of the participating children are of Hispanic heritage, three to five years old complicate some(prenominal) gender, and most likely bilingual. Piaget coined a term of preoperational intelligence to describe the cognitive learning in children ages 2 to 6 (Berger, 2008).Preoperational cognition, according to Piaget, de positions learning that occurs before understanding logical operations. Childrens cognitive processes at this age are magical and egocentric (Berger, 2008). Lev Vygot sky, in contrast to Piagets theory forceful the social learning as an important part of knowledge formation. Vygotsky acknowledge the importance of guided participation in learning process of preschool children. He provided four steps created by caregivers that motivate children to learn challenge presentation, tending availability, instructions, and encouragement.Another prominent social development theorist, Eric Erikson described preschool children being in the go-ahead versus guilt state, which characterized by child balancing effort and expectations of adults (Berger, 2008). Preschool children may have forward knowledge of basic oral hygiene strategies, but pick out assistance and supervision. Additionally children at this age are able to follow two or three step instructions, curious and motivated, do have it away cause and effect in frank government agencys.Berger states that young preschool children have anicteric growing organisms, but greatly influenced by geneti cs, nutrition, socioeconomic status, and other factors (2008). The broad standing tradition of encouraging children to eat traced in low-income Hispanic families is crook into the overeating epidemic in the US (Berger, 2008). Besides overeating, poor dietetic choices, such as snacks with little nutritional value, but high in wampum, fat, and salt pose a direct danger to oral health. The punt category of learners in this course is comprised of adult Hispanic parents of preschool children, and caregivers at day care centers.Both parents and caregivers are most likely emerging adults with ages ranging from 21 to 35. close of them belong to lower socioeconomic status, with public health being the scarcely source of healthcare coverage. As much as 45% are uninsured (NCHS, 2012). Almost 25% of these adults live below poverty level, and median value per capita in income is almost 2. 5 times less than that of ease of California (United States Census Bureau, 2012). Forty four percen t of East Los Angeles population inform having a high school diploma, and only 5. 4% achieved baccalaureate stop as highest level of education (United States Census Bureau, 2012).As much as 97% of population is of Hispanic descent, and almost half of them are foreign born(p) individuals. Catholicism is a predominant religion amongst Hispanic population. People of Hispanic origin have strong values of family relations, religion, tradition and customs. They might have preconceived ideas of oral hygiene, but most likely not follow the guidelines. Hispanics have a strong respect to healthcare providers, and their culture prescribes esteem and compliance, making them uncovered to learning to certain degree (Berger, 2008).They might have limited English proficiency and be illiterate, which makes learning process harder. Nursing Diagnosis A multitude of treat diagnoses are applicable to the situation of poor oral hygiene. Various problems arise from the potential adverse effect of i nfection and caries. But for this educational course two interrelated nursing diagnoses were identified. The first nursing diagnosis is ineffective oral health fear related to knowledge deficit, cultural beliefs, and lack of cloth resources as manifest by reported poor dentition status in children (Wilkinson, 2005).The imprimatur diagnosis directly stems from the first one knowledge deficit related to lack of exposure and unfamiliarity with information resources as evidenced by inadequate conclusion of straight-laced teething copse and flossing techniques (Wilkinson, 2005). These two diagnoses will guide the content of educational course with focus on applicable needs. Client-Centered Educational Goal Wilkinson includes goals into the nursing diagnoses for evaluation of outcomes (2005). Goals are descriptions of desired family or client actions that can be measured or directly notice (Wilkinson, 2005).Upon completion of this course parents will express knowledge of importan ce of proper oral hygiene, demonstrate train brush and flossing techniques, and identify strategies that reduce progression of caries. The following education plan is tailored to the client-centered goals with objectives that reflect clients needs. Learning Objectives Rankin, Stallings, and capital of the United Kingdom state that leaning objectives have to be clearly formulated, time-limited, verifiable (measurable), and come-at-able in order to achieve effective learning (2005).A curriculum for health professionals and child care providers by California child care Health Program was used in the process of objectives identification (2005). To achieve stated educational goal six objectives two of each learning domain were formulated. cognitive objectives 1. After attending a class on oral hygiene (condition), parents will state (performance) the detrimental effects of snack and drinks high in sugar, and nocturnal bottle on progression of teeth decay prior to the end of class (cri terion). 2.After attending a class on oral hygiene (condition), parents will state (performance) the need to assist children with brushing until age of 8 by the end of class (criterion). Affective objectives 1. After discussing a recommended moment of oral hygiene (condition), parents will verbalize (performance) their feelings associated with changes in the function by the end of the class (criterion). 2. After discussing effects of sugar on tooth decay and importance of dietary modification (condition), parents will state their challenges associated with gaolbreak he nocturnal bottle habit in their children (performance) routine by the end of the class (criterion). Ppsychomotor objectives 1. After observing instructor perform correct brushing techniques (condition), parents and children will demonstrate a repeat demonstration (performance) routine by the end of the class (criterion). 2. After attending the class (condition), children will demonstrate lift the lip technique (per formance), to allow their parents inspect the teeth by the end of the class (criterion). Content OutlineContent draft allows structured learning purlieu and provides guidance to the instructor. The content outline for oral health should include information on basic teeth anatomy, teeth eruption pattern, signs and symptoms of caries and teeth infection. The signs of infection may include gum or facial nerve swelling on affected side, foul odor, drainage, and visible cavities and discoloration (California childcare Health Program, 2005). The information of possible outcomes of untreated infection need to bi disclosed. Children may complain of pain and discomfort.Further, content outline should include demonstration of correct brushing techniques, both(prenominal) for parents and children, and information on relationship of sugar and night-time bottle to tooth decay. The session should include questions and answers section to allow parents and children validate their understandin g. spry discussion is encouraged to promote disclosure of feelings associated with necessary changes. Content outline need to incorporate information on public health resources procurable to low income families to meet material needs. Instructional Strategies and MediaThe proposed education program will take place in the day care centers in East Los Angeles, CA, 1 hour prior to the end of business day. The course will be divided into 2 parts, first focusing on dental health concepts, and the second will be devoted to the correct brushing techniques and evaluation of learning. Teaching will be conducted in group format with estimated 10-15 participants. Group format allows sharing of concepts between members and more comfortable environment (Rankin et al. , 2005). The first part will be in the lecture format, built by booklets both in English and Spanish anguages. Video material and plaster model of jaws will be utilized, to demonstrate teeth anatomy. Rankin and others note that i nstructional videos are more effective in conjunction with practice and return demonstration (Rankin et al. , 2005). Therefore, the second part of the session will focus on demonstration of brushing strategies, different positions to assist parents with brushing, and dental products. proof can reinforce psychomotor objectives achievement, and lectures and videos are effective in brush cognitive objectives (Rankin et al. , 2005).At the end, parents will be allowed to ask questions and reflect on their feelings, which will result in achievement of affective learning objectives. Instructional media listed in a higher place will include resources and materials recommended by Promoting Childrens literal Health broadcast for health professionals and child care providers with permission of its developer California Childcare Health Program. These include 4-minute Lift the Lip video on basic oral exam for parents and day care center providers, Healthy teeth begin at birth booklet, and t he What do you think? questionnaire to evaluate parents understanding and validate their feelings and concerns. All the materials are visible(prenominal) in English and Spanish (California Childcare Health Program, 2005). Evaluation of Objectives and Program Evaluation Strategies To evaluate the outcomes of educational session, the subscriber will use a modified and simplified Evaluation questionnaire forthcoming from Curriculum for health professionals and child care providers to reflect both on cognitive learning, and to assess program perceived effectiveness (California Childcare Health Program, 2005).This tool includes questions with answers utilizing Likert scale to elicit feelings related to course effectiveness, and a simple test to assess knowledge. Observation of return demonstration of teeth brushing by both parents and children will serve as evaluation outline for psychomotor objectives. Observation allows the teacher to provide feedback and corrective measures (Ranki n et al. , 2005). The questions and answers session at the end of the class will assist the evaluation of achievement of both cognitive and affective objectives, by allowing participant verbalize their feelings, and validate their learning.Several open ended questions are included in the written questionnaire as well. decision The oral health of children is greatly impacted by such socioeconomic variables, as their parents income, education, culture, prior experience, and insurance status. Preschool children from Hispanic families in state of California are at higher risk to develop dental cavities compared to the rest of the state. Basic strategies and spread of information about dental health can prevent progression of dental caries and greatly improve next quality of life in preschool children.This program will teach parents, caregivers, and children on proper teeth brushing techniques, disseminate knowledge on basic oral health concepts, and provide a list of public resources available to overcome financial barriers. References Berger, K. S. (2008). The developing person through the life span. ( seventh ed. ). New York. NY Worth Publishers. California Childcare Health Program. (2005). Bright Futures tool cabinet Health Professionals and Human Services Providers. Retrieved from National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center http//www. ucsfchildcarehealth. org/pdfs/Curricula/oral%20health_11_v7. df National Center for Health Statistics. (2012). Health, United States, 2011 With Special Feature on. Hyattsville, MD. Retrieved from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention http//www. cdc. gov/nchs/ entropy/hus/hus11. pdf076 Rankin, S. H. , Stallings, D. K. , & London, F. (2005). Health promotion Models and applications to patient education. In Patient Education in Health and Illness (5 ed. , pp. 27-46). Philadelphia, PA Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. The Dental Health Foundation. (2000). The Oral Health of Californias Children Halting a Neglected Ep idemic.Oakland, CA Dental Health Foundation. United States Census Bureau. (2012). State & County QuickFacts. Retrieved from United States Census http//quickfacts. census. gov/qfd/states/06/0620802. hypertext mark-up language United States Department of Health and Human Services. (2012, August). Oral Health. Retrieved from Healthy People 2020 http//www. healthypeople. gov/2020/topicsobjectives2020/overview. aspx? topicid=32 United States Department of Health and Human Services. (2000). Oral health in America A report of the Surgeon General. National Institutes of Health,

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